Bring a friend

for training partners and parents with student athletes

Benefits of Training with a Partner

Training with a partner can significantly enhance your workout experience and overall fitness journey in several ways:

1. Motivation and Accountability: Having a training partner can provide the motivation to stick to a consistent workout schedule. When one person feels demotivated, the other can offer encouragement and support, making it less likely for either person to skip a workout. The sense of mutual accountability can be a powerful motivator for both individuals to show up and give their best effort.
2. Friendly Competition: Training with a partner can introduce a healthy sense of competition into your workouts. While striving to improve individually, the presence of a training partner can push both individuals to work harder and achieve more during each session.
3. Spotting and Safety: Certain exercises, particularly those involving heavy weights, require a spotter for safety reasons. A training partner can provide spotting assistance, ensuring that both individuals can safely push their limits during strength training without compromising safety.
4. Skill Correction and Feedback: A training partner can offer valuable feedback on form and technique, helping to identify and correct any mistakes. This can minimize the risk of injury and improve the overall effectiveness of the workout.
5. Social Support and Camaraderie: Exercising with a partner fosters a sense of camaraderie and social support. It can make the entire training experience more enjoyable, providing an opportunity for bonding and strengthening the friendship outside of the gym.
6. Variety and Creativity: Two heads are often better than one when it comes to workout planning. Training with a partner can introduce new exercises, training techniques, and workout ideas, adding variety and creativity to your fitness routine.
Overall, training with a partner offers numerous benefits that can enhance both the physical and psychological aspects of your fitness journey.

Training Benefits for Parents/Student Athletes.

Benefits for Parents

1. Functional Strength: As parents, the demands of daily life often require lifting, carrying, and reaching. Strength training can help improve functional strength, making these tasks easier and reducing the risk of injury.
2. Increased Energy Levels: Juggling parenting responsibilities can be physically demanding. Regular strength training can lead to increased energy levels, allowing parents to keep up with their kids and daily chores more effectively.
3. Stress Relief: Exercise, including strength training, is an excellent stress reliever. For parents, managing stress is essential, and a regular workout routine can provide valuable mental and emotional benefits.

Benefits for Student Athletes

1. Improved Athletic Performance: Strength training is a key component of any comprehensive athletic training program. It can lead to increased speed, power, and overall athletic performance.
2. Injury Prevention: Strengthening muscles, tendons, and ligaments through targeted exercises can help prevent common sports-related injuries, potentially leading to a longer and more successful athletic career.
3. Confidence Boost: Achieving physical strength and seeing improvements in performance can significantly boost a student athlete's confidence, both on and off the field.

Important Considerations

1. Proper Form and Technique: Both parents and student athletes should prioritize learning and using proper form and technique to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of strength training.
2. Age-Appropriate Programs: Student athletes should follow age-appropriate strength training programs that consider their stage of physical development and focus on building a foundation of proper movement patterns.
3. Recovery and Rest: Adequate rest and recovery are crucial for both parents and student athletes engaging in strength training. Balancing workouts with rest days is essential for long-term success and injury prevention.
In conclusion, incorporating strength training into the routines of parents and student athletes can have numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Whether it's keeping up with the demands of parenting or excelling in athletic endeavors, a well-structured strength training program can make a significant difference in the lives of both parents and young athletes.

Small Group Personal Training

WHat is MPT Small Group Personal Training?

  • 1:6 Ratio Coach to Athlete

  • Access Mountain Athlete Training (2 Strength, 2 Conditioning, 1 Accessory Strength)

  • Access Online Training Portal with Train Heroic

  • Training Environment designed for Outdoor Athletes

  • Custom Modifications and Support

  • Non Competitive Training Environment

  • Programs/workouts designed for the highest ROI(return on investment)

  • Functional Training designed to meet the demands of biking, hiking, climbing, running, paddling


Small Group Personal Training Options

Become a member and be a part of Team MPT.

Subscription Memberships

8 x Per Month Membership

$176 Monthly Billing

12x Per Month Membership

$252 Monthly Billing

Unlimited Membership

$400 Monthly Billing

Small Group PT Packages

8 Training Sessions


12 Training Sessions


20 Training Sessions



While most Traditional Strength and Conditioning programs focus on absolute(max strength) gains in isolated muscles in only one plane of motion, however Outdoor Sports like mountain biking, trail running, climbing and paddling are multiplanar and require the ability to accelerate, decelerate and stabilize. Our Outdoor Sports Performance Coaches recognize that functional athletic movements require a highly complex and integrated training system. By designing our train plans to address the entire movement system though all planes of motion by establishing high levels of Functional Strength and Neuromuscular efficiency. Our Mountain Athlete training programs integrate Flexibility, Core, Balance, Plyometrics, Speed/Agility/Quickness, Resistance and Sport Specific Cardio Training.

MPT recognizes that Mountain Athletes often get enough sport specific fitness out of their favorite outdoor recreation activities but still need strength training to help keep you strong, durable and resilient. MPT’s semi private training offers the one-on-one feel of a personal training session with one of our coaches that ranges between $80-135 per hour for a fraction of the cost ($25 per session).

MPT Mountain athlete programs offers the options so that you training best supports your goals.

Choose between our 5 programmed workouts each week to add to your running, biking, climbing, paddling to make the most of your sport. These workouts are part of 4 Week training cycles to make sure our athletes get the right exercise prescription to fit the demands to their favorite mountain sports and recreation activities.